Three Key Airline Industry Business Resources


Combine a handful of interviews, a family reunion, and the prep work for an impending relocation, and I’ve been doing a bit more air travel than usual.  It's no surprise then that air travel is on my mind.   Here are three great resources for keeping your head in the clouds of the airline business: Point A: Airlines for America (A4A):  This professional organization is a premier industry advocate.  Their Economics & Analysis pages have a fantastic assortment of reports and press releases with scads of business data, including economic impacts, industry outlooks, and (in the Special Topics section) M&A and Bankruptcy transactions.

Point B: The Middle Seat by WSJ:  We love the WSJ, and it’s no wonder why, with articles like "How Airlines Spend Your Airfare" (includes a spiffy infographic!).  The Middle Seat is the WSJ’s freely available thematic column for all things travel.  Each individual article may not be strictly business related, but those that are yield excellent charts, stats, and glimpses into how airlines are thinking.

Point C: The International Air Transport Association (IATA):  A representative leader in the industry, this group also puts out densely-packed and downloadable industry reports forecasts, and analysis, which also often include excellent charts/graphs.  You’ll find them somewhat buried in: Areas of Activity > Economics.