Trends Magazine


If you’re, oh say a VC firm, and therefore trying to stay- not just abreast but ahead- on the business frontier, then Trends Magazine is a good place to start.  According to its About page, the Trends editorial staff of business experts, have a secret sauce of, among other things, “tips, inside information, privately distributed reports.”  bizologie sure likes the sound of that! The publication’s Economic Outlook reports take big-picture looks at primiarly our country, while its Research Library covers a range of relatively more focused topics like investments, nanotechnology, and energy.  A couple of particularly tantalizing article titles include, “A New Trajectory for Moore’s Law” and “Solving the Global Water Crisis Moves Beyond the Technical Feasibility Stage”.

Of course only the introductory paragraphs are free, but we wouldn’t leave you bereft right after telling you all about the magazine.  For those with limited pocketbooks, or perhaps those needing only the occasional article, the good news is that Trends is a current subscription in the Business Source Complete database, which as we have mentioned before, is likely freely accessible in your vicinity.